Moviment Graffitti welcomes the measures introduced by the St Paul’s Bay Local Council to tackle the waste issues in the [...]
Xbajtu? Anke aħna. Jinkoraġġuna u jikkonslawna l-messaġġi li bgħattulna tul dawn il-jiem, issaqsuna hux ser nipprotestaw, u x’se nagħmlu. Tul [...]
The figure of €20,000 to challenge the Central Link in legal arenas has been successfully crowdfunded in less than 24 [...]
After the Planning Authority (PA) shockingly approved the Central Link project, residents from various localities together with fourteen NGOs will [...]
Il-proġett li se jeqred 48,000 metru kwadru ta’ art agrikola, joqtol iktar minn 600 siġra, jiżola 1,200 ruħ u jkeċċi [...]
Maltese authorities aren’t comfortable enforcing the rules against particular classes of people, to the detriment of the remainder of society, [...]
Koalizzjoni ta’ 20 organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva ddeskriviet dak li ġara llum, fejn għexieren ta’ immigranti instabu jgħixu fi stalel u [...]
The Attard Residents Environmental Network and the Bicycle Advocacy Group, together with the hereunder mentioned NGOs would like to appeal [...]
At last Tuesday’s protest march, there was a minute’s silence for the seventh victim of fatal accidents on construction sites [...]
While MDA chairman/government consultant Sandro Chetcuti was busy announcing the introduction of a contractors’ register, a 75-year old lady has [...]