Open Mic Pride Night!
Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, MaltaWhat better way to end a week of pride events than with an open mic? This Open Mic has a queer theme and anyone can participate, in any language. People […]
What better way to end a week of pride events than with an open mic? This Open Mic has a queer theme and anyone can participate, in any language. People […]
It's the holiday every smoker is waiting on. Come and celebrate 4/20 with Malta's cannabis community at the first official 4/20 ReLeaf Meet-Up Enjoy the company of the Maltese cannabis […]
Join us on the 6th of November for our first event for this year's Trans* Awareness Week! We'll be watching Major, a 2015 documentary film exploring the life and campaigns […]
Bħala parti mill-azzjoni li qiegħda issir fil-bini tal-PA ġewwa l-Furjana, sabiex tiġi implimentata mill-aktar fis ir-reviżjoni tal-policy li attwalment tippermetti applikazzjonijiet għal pompi tal-petrol f’żoni ODZ, se nkunu qiegħdin norganizzaw […]
Irbaħ mal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar! Avveniment għall-familja kollha mill-Moviment Graffitti bil-parteċipazzjoni storika tal-Awtorità għall-Ippjanar, bħala parti minn Assedju PA. Għada s-Sibt, mit-3 ta’ waranofsinhar ‘il quddiem, se norganizzaw “Tombla Sulari.” Tombla bħal […]
Calling all youth out there - the young, the young at heart and the not so young. You are invited to join us in a impromptu street party on Saturday […]
There's sunshine and a good vibe going on right now at Assedju PA! Come hangout with us and get to know what we're all about. Wayne Flask will be putting […]
As a member of the coalition Voice for Choice - L-għażla tagħha, Moviment Graffitti is organizing an Open Mic at Maori bar where verses with the theme of freedom of […]
This is an event for everyone! Moviment Graffitti is organising an anti-racism football tournament organizer and children's activities during the day! 16 teams will compete against each other and the […]
The Courts of Law have sensationally declared that the PA permit for Silvio Debono’s monster is “null and void”. We know the fight doesn’t stop here, but we do have […]
Moviment Graffitti 'Meet and Greet' fl-Università (EN version below) Studenti MG - il-grupp studentesk tal-Moviment Graffitti - qiegħda torganizza Meet and Greet għas-sena skolastika li ġejja fl-Università. L-attività hi miftuħa […]
On Saturday 25th January at 6pm we will be holding an informal meeting with our members and with the public during which we will take a look at our work […]