Palestinians in Gaza are being massacred by Israel with the complicity of Europe. Continuous bombardments led to thousands of children, [...]
Moviment Graffitti is accusing Roberta Metsola of having blood on her hands after standing by war criminals and an occupying [...]
In collaboration, three local NGOs – Rota, Moviment Graffitti and Friends of the Earth Malta – have prepared the below [...]
As Israeli actions aimed at grabbing Palestinian land, making Palestinian lives miserable and murdering them on a mass-scale intensify and [...]
The scenes unfolding in Palestine and Israel are deeply distressing. We extend our heartfelt solidarity to all innocent individuals caught [...]
Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon d-deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill Eżekuttiv tal-PA biex jiġi salvat ir-razzett vernakulari fiż-żona Tal-Belliegħa fir-Rabat, Għawdex. Xorta, iżda, inkomplu nisħqu li [...]
We have received multiple reports that hundreds of families living in the whereabouts of Iklin, San Ġwann, Għargħur, Swieqi, Ibraġġ, [...]
Studenti Graffitti, the student wing of Moviment Graffitti, was present once again at KSU Freshers’ Week to welcome students to [...]
Activists, allies, and members of the general public marched through the main streets of Valletta. The pro-choice rally is organised [...]