“Since 1994 Moviment Graffitti has been a fixture on the fringe of Maltese politics. Himself a founder of the group [...]
Andre Callus, a spokesman for the NGO Moviment Graffitti, which recently organised a protest at the PA calling for applications [...]
While a number of groups have become more vocal, public participation in events against the PA is still quite low. [...]
Graffitti activist Andre Callus […] said that the PA’s fuel service stations policy was clear. “The policy did not include [...]
“Bħalissa l-għajta fostna hi kemm is-suq tal-kera għollarasu ’l fuq. Dan qed jirrifletti wkoll fil-prezzijiet tax-xiri tal-proprjetà,li mhux jippermettu lil [...]
Watch video. Activists in Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent together with Moviment Graffitti are today carrying out a non-violent direct action during [...]
Moviment Graffitti endorses and supports the Women’s Rights Foundation recently released position paper on sexual and reproductive health rights for [...]
Following a month-long struggle to open public access to Manoel Island and efforts to stop commercialisation of the whole area, [...]
Għal dan Andrè Callus qal li l-problema fis-settur tal-kirjiet għal Debono solviha billi tibni l-gabubi, u mhux billi tirregolarizza s-suq [...]
Moviment Graffitti activists are in utter shock, speechless after receiving the news that Charles Miceli, a towering figure in the [...]