Moviment Graffitti logo

Corinthia deal – land grab for a horrendous project

Moviment Graffitti is strongly opposed to the proposed deal that would gift public land to the Corinthia group for real [...]

[WATCH] Xtra dwar l-għotja t’art pubblika lill-Corinthia

Rappreżentant tal-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-programm Xtra fejn ġiet diskussa l-kwistjoni tal-għotja t’art pubblika lill-Corinthia. ARA l-programm sħiħ fil-vidjo. ——————————– [...]

[WATCH] Intervista TVAM dwar is-salvataġġ ta’ persuni fil-baħar

Attivist fil-Moviment Graffitti ġie intervistat fuq TVAM dwar il-kwistjoni tal-persuni li damu kważi tlett ġimgħat bejn sema u ilma wara [...]

People are more important

Joint NGO Press Conference We are appalled beyond words that, after 18 days of negotiations, 49 men, women and children [...]

Calling on the Government of Malta to Open Port for Safe Disembarkation of 49 Refugees and Migrants

49 refugees and migrants remain stranded in the Mediterranean. To date, no member state has stepped up and assumed shared [...]

Jissuġġerixxu Visas Għall-Immigranti

Min-naħa tiegħu, Andre Callus għamilha ċara li l-ewwel prijorita fir-rigward tal-immigrazzjoni hija li nifhmu li qed nitkellmu fuq il-ħajjiet tal-persuni [...]

Objection to Gheriexem Development

The siege on trees and agricultural land seems to be continuing unabated – this time in Gheriexem Road. The proposed [...]

Feedback to Fuel Station Policy

We have just submitted this feedback to the PA as part of the public consultation process leading to the review [...]

Mass Objection to Rabat Valley Promenade

More than 1,100 people have objected to plans to build a new promenade overlooking Ġnien Ħira valley close to the [...]

Pembroke residents meet with President of Malta to outline concerns about ITS project

Pembroke residents outlined their grave concerns about the proposed db Group project on the ITS site during a meeting with [...]