Moviment Graffitti is strongly opposed to the proposed deal that would gift public land to the Corinthia group for real [...]
Rappreżentant tal-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-programm Xtra fejn ġiet diskussa l-kwistjoni tal-għotja t’art pubblika lill-Corinthia. ARA l-programm sħiħ fil-vidjo. ——————————– [...]
Attivist fil-Moviment Graffitti ġie intervistat fuq TVAM dwar il-kwistjoni tal-persuni li damu kważi tlett ġimgħat bejn sema u ilma wara [...]
Joint NGO Press Conference We are appalled beyond words that, after 18 days of negotiations, 49 men, women and children [...]
49 refugees and migrants remain stranded in the Mediterranean. To date, no member state has stepped up and assumed shared [...]
Min-naħa tiegħu, Andre Callus għamilha ċara li l-ewwel prijorita fir-rigward tal-immigrazzjoni hija li nifhmu li qed nitkellmu fuq il-ħajjiet tal-persuni [...]
The siege on trees and agricultural land seems to be continuing unabated – this time in Gheriexem Road. The proposed [...]
We have just submitted this feedback to the PA as part of the public consultation process leading to the review [...]
More than 1,100 people have objected to plans to build a new promenade overlooking Ġnien Ħira valley close to the [...]
Pembroke residents outlined their grave concerns about the proposed db Group project on the ITS site during a meeting with [...]