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Coalition Launch – Voice for Choice/L-għażla tagħha

Voice for Choice is the first Maltese pro-choice coalition made up of civil society organisations and individuals who together want [...]

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2019

Today 8th March is International Women’s Day. More than a day to celebrate, for us it represents a day to [...]

A policy prohibiting ODZ fuel stations should be implemented at once

Eleven NGOs are indignant at the Planning Authority’s failure to revise the current fuel stations policy and at comments indicating [...]

Significant win in the fight against the db Group project on the ITS site

Today’s decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal is a significant win in the fight against the monstrous db [...]

Rebħa importanti għal moviment magħmul minn għaqdiet, Kunsilli Lokali u residenti

Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon kbir id-deċiżjoni tal-Ministru Konrad Mizzi li jirtira l-avviż għat-trasferiment tal-art lill-Grupp Corinthia. Filwaqt li nifhmu li din mhijiex [...]

At the global climate strike for future

RIGHT NOW: At the Global Climate Strike For Future – marching from the University of Malta to Parliament. Those wanting [...]

[WATCH] A full year after the promised review, the fuel stations policy did not change

A year has passed from the Environment’s Minister declaration that the 2015 Fuel Service Station Policy is wrong and needs [...]

Proposed Development in Bulebel

Ilbieraħ membru tal-Moviment Graffitti u attivist fil-Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent għamel żjara ġewwa Bulebel (Alex Caruana), flimkien ma’ numru ta’ persuni [...]

[WATCH] Intervista mix-Xgħajra dwar ir-reklamazzjoni tal-art

Intervista mix-Xgħajra dwar ir-reklamazzjoni tal-art Attivist tal-Moviment Graffitti ġie ntervistat fuq TVAM mix-Xgħajra dwar ir-reklamazzjoni tal-art. “L-ewwel ħaġa rridu nifhmu [...]

Viral video of PA protesters hints at broader development sprawl anger

People are fed up of the rich and powerful walking all over them and buying out governments. That, activists believe, [...]