Several citizens and seven NGOs filed a judicial protest against the Lands Authority calling upon it to enforce the conditions [...]
DB Group have issued a statement refuting our claim that works destroying historical and sensitive sites are underway at the [...]
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and [...]
Rock-cutters went into action on the site of the scheduled St George’s Barracks despite there being no final Court decision [...]
Illum il-Palestinjani jfakkru n-Nakba – il-Katastrofi – meta fl-1948 huma sfaw imkeċċija minn arthom sabiex ikun jista’ jinħoloq stat Iżraeljan. [...]
Following the Planning Authority’s approval of the db Group project in St. George’s Bay last year, three local councils, several [...]
Il-fatt li l-Prim Ministru ilbieraħ filgħaxija (2 ta’ Mejju, l-għada ta’ Jum il-Ħaddiem) stqarr li l-Maltin m’għandhomx jagħmlu ċertu xogħlijiet [...]
Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long-awaited review of the Fuel Service Station Policy for public consultation. The organisation is satisfied that [...]
llum ipparteċipajna mbikkma fit-tqegħid ta’ fjuri b’tifkira ta’ Lassanna, magħruf ma’ sħabu bħala ‘Lass’. Lass inqatel b’tiri f’rasu fil-lejl tas-6 [...]
Callus spjega li l-ewwel ħaġa li jrid ikun hemm hija d-distinzjoni bejn kliem ta’ mibegħda, li huwa diskors ta’ mibgħeda [...]