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Residents, Local Councils and NGOs condemn ruse to splice and dice ITS application to evade holistic assessment of huge project

In view of the db Group’s separate development application for the proposed excavation of the former ITS site (PA/05533/19), residents, [...]

Residential Leases Act: The First Step Forward – Instability and Exorbitant Prices Yet To Be Addressed

A coalition of 20 NGOs active in the social field view the Residential Leases Bill as the first step forward. [...]

Overwhelming support by the general public to save Dwejra

Over €3,000 collected in less than two days, Environment and Planning Review Tribunal decision will be appealed in Court  The [...]

Crowdfunding Initiative To Appeal Against Further Development in Dwejra

Dwejra is a Natura2000 site, a Dark Sky Heritage Area, and a designated Special Protection Area under the Wild Birds [...]

St.Paul’s Bay residents launch petition with demands for a better locality

In light of the numerous issues that residents in the locality of St. Paul’s Bay are facing (including Bugibba, Qawra [...]

Homeless and Humiliated

One of the residents who lost their home in G’Mangia following excavation works next door has spoken to us earlier [...]

Musumeci, l-AvuPerit Gaffa tal-Iżviluppaturi, Jgħaddi minn fuq ir-Residenti.

Ir-regoli l-ġodda mħabbra lbieraħ mill-Ministru Ian Borg huma frott ta’ konsultazzjoni qsajra ta’ ħamest ijiem, rekord nazzjonali ġdid, bl-għan li [...]

Protesta Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi – IT’S YOUR PROTEST

Tomorrow, we’ll march just like we’ve marched with other NGOs in 2006, when George Pullicino opened the floodgates for the [...]

DB permit revocation – the people can make a difference

Residents, NGOs and three Local Councils welcome the positive news that the permit for the abusive speculation at St George’s [...]

Thank you for your heartwarming energy during yesterday’s protest

We wanted to say thankyou this morning, but then came the news of the courtroom victory in relation to the [...]