Make hay while the sun shines. Il-profeta qalilna biex, sakemm ikun temp tajjeb, naħsbu fil-ħsad. Kienet ġurnata ta’ xemx meta [...]
Għalfejn inġbarna hawn illum minflok qegħdin ingawdu l-jum tal-Ħadd? Għalfejn naħsbu li huwa importanti li nkunu hawn? Għax nemmnu li [...]
The 8th of March is dedicated to the celebration of women’s achievements. It has been and will continue to be [...]
Following the death of Miriam Pace in a tragedy caused by yet another act of carelessness by the development lobby, [...]
Moviment Graffitti has deplored the current state of the construction sector, wherein a system of shoddy practices, lack of enforcement [...]
Malta Youth in Agriculture Foundation, Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi and several NGOs have condemned the proposed expropriation of agricultural and natural [...]
Activist group Moviment Graffitti has filed an application with the Lands Authority to manage Balluta Bay, in a bid to [...]
A group of eighteen organisations and residents’ associations are disappointed with the conclusion of the Central Link court case. The [...]
Il-Ġimgħa u s-Sibt konna fid-daħla tal-Belt Valletta flimkien mal-komunità Palestinjana f’Malta sabiex nagħtu informazzjoni dwar is-sitwazzjoni fil-Palestina u l-hekk imsejjaħ [...]
In a judicial protest (see here) filed by a broad network of NGOs and professional bodies, Infrastructure Malta, the Transport [...]