Moviment Graffitti logo

Santa Luċija residents unite against monstrous development by Tal-Franċiż

Santa Luċija residents have collected 1,065 printed and signed objections against a development by construction magnate Anton Camilleri ‘Tal-Franċiż’ that [...]

Save lives at sea

At the end of August, Loujin, a four-year old Syrian girl, boarded a wooden fishing vessel on Lebanon’s coast with [...]

Organisations challenge ERA’s shameful Comino decision

Five organisations are appealing ERA’s approval of an extensive village, restaurant and retail outlet on Comino. The organisations – BirdLife [...]

Studenti Graffitti concerned about the socio-economic realities suffered by low-income families

Studenti Graffitti is concerned about the current socio-economic realities suffered by many low-income families in Malta. This comes after the [...]

The People for Comino

Scores of people joined Moviment Graffitti today Saturday 13th August 2022 in the public protest ‘Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Reclaim [...]

“Improve the work-life balance law’”, organisations tell Parliamentary Secretary, Hon. Dr Andy Ellul

Nine organisations in support of parental rights, workers’ rights and equality between men and women have sent a letter to [...]

Reclaim Blue Lagoon – Public Protest on Saturday 13 August

Moviment Graffitti is announcing a public protest on Comino for Saturday 13th August 2022: Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Reclaim Blue [...]

‘Xi drabi b’sagrifiċċju, kelli norqod mingħajr ma niekol’ – Rafel Grima

Il-ġlieda favur id-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema immigranti mhijiex faċli f’pajjiż li għaddej japprofitta minnhom qishom l-iskjavi tiegħu Nhar it-13 ta’ Lulju 2022, [...]

“Expect more direct actions if the Blue Lagoon continues to be hijacked by commercial interests” – Moviment Graffitti with the second letter sent to 5 Ministers

Moviment Graffitti has sent its second letter to five Ministers – those of tourism, of Gozo, of the environment, of [...]

“You’ve failed to protect the interests of the workers” – Organisations with a letter to the unions on the transposition of the European Directive on work-life balance.

Eight organisations active in support of workers’ rights, parental rights and equality between women and men, have sent a letter [...]