Moviment Graffitti logo

The Msida Creek Project needs to return to the drawing board

Last week, Infrastructure Malta presented the revamped plans for the Msida Creek Flyovers, illustrated with mature trees but with gaping [...]

“Object to sham sheep farm”, Moviment Graffitti urges public

Moviment Graffitti has formally objected with the Planning Authority to application PA/5895/22 which seeks to officially transform the sham sheep [...]

Close the Mediterraneo Marine Park!

Moviment Graffitti, Animal Liberation Malta, Association for Abandoned Animals (AAA), Island Sanctuary, Animal Protectors Malta, Nature Trust Malta, Real Animal [...]

Demolish sham sheep farm and prosecute responsible officials for environmental crimes

Moviment Graffitti is calling for the immediate demolition of the sham sheep farm in Wied tal-Ħżejjen, Bidnija, a valley as [...]

Studenti Graffitti condemns the organisation of KSU Freshers’ Week

It is abundantly clear that this weeks’ KSU Freshers’ Week was turned into a platform for big companies to sell [...]

“Place Gozo fast ferry under public ownership” Moviment Graffitti urges government after privatisation flop

Moviment Graffitti is angered at the sudden and unjust reduction of the Gozo Fast Ferry service, a necessary link for [...]

Improve the Work-Life Balance Law Now

We are a number of civil society organisations representing parents, carers, workers and those working for gender equality and the [...]

Wara Loujin: Gvern li se ikompli jħaddan politika tal-mewt? – Lara Calleja

Huma u jitfgħu l-problema tas-salvataġġ tal-persuni vulnerabbli fuq il-Libja, l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Gvern Malti, qegħdin ikomplu jbillu subgħajhom fid-demm Immaġinak [...]

Abortion is essential healthcare – Moviment Graffitti’s speech during the Pro-Choice Rally 2022

Malta is the only EU country with a total ban on abortion. This means that people who need abortions must [...]

United front against PA servility to Portelli

Appeal filed against approval of ODZ pool in Marsalforn ValleyFive organisations and the Xagħra Local Council have submitted an appeal [...]