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Tombla Sulari at Assedju PA

Irbaħ mal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar!

Avveniment għall-familja kollha mill-Moviment Graffitti bil-parteċipazzjoni storika tal-Awtorità għall-Ippjanar, bħala parti minn Assedju PA.

Għada s-Sibt, mit-3 ta’ waranofsinhar ‘il quddiem, se norganizzaw “Tombla Sulari.” Tombla bħal dik li ssir il-każin iżda b’regoli differenti li jistgħu saħansitra jinbidlu biex jiffavorixxu lil xi ħadd li jogħġobna aktar minnek – eżatt kif jagħmel il-Bord tal-Ippjanar!

Se nilagħbu 5 logħbiet tombla, iżda jekk tirbaħ line, se niktbu n-numru li bih tkun għalaqt il-line. Dak in-numru jissarraf f’sulari. Fl-aħħar tal-ħames logħbiet, il-persuna bl-aktar numru ta’ sulari tirbaħ il-premju l-kbir!

Kun bħal Silvio Debono u Joseph Portelli, u irbaħ sulari fuq sulari, magħna u mal-PA!

Tipparteċipa b’xejn – iżda (u din mhux ċajta) tista’ tirbaħ hoodie u flokk tal-Moviment Graffitti biex anke inti tkun l-għira tal-Ewropa.

Jippreżentaw C̵h̵a̵r̵l̵e̵s̵ ̵S̵a̵l̵i̵b̵a̵ ̵u̵ ̵J̵o̵h̵n̵ ̵D̵e̵m̵a̵n̵u̵e̵l̵e̵ Wayne Flask u Alex Caruana.


Win with the Planning Authority!

Families of the Maltese Islands, join us tomorrow from 3pm onwards for a traditional game of Tombla – organised by Moviment Graffitti and hosted by our lovely Planning Authority.

Tombla Sulari is exactly the same as the traditional tombla held in the local band clubs, but the rules are slightly different and may change on the spot to favour anyone we may like more than we like you – just like those of the Planning Boards!

We will play 5 rounds of tombla, but if you win a line, we’ll take down the number with which you have closed the line. The number on the line is equal to the number of storeys you have won. At the end of the five rounds, the person holding the biggest number of storeys wins the big prize.

Be like Silvio Debono and Joseph Portelli! Win Sulari upon Sulari with us and the Planning Authority!

Participation is free, and the winner (no, seriously this time) wins a Moviment Graffitti hoodie and tee – become the envy of your neighbourhood… no, of all of Europe!

Presented by C̵h̵a̵r̵l̵e̵s̵ ̵S̵a̵l̵i̵b̵a̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵J̵o̵h̵n̵ ̵D̵e̵m̵a̵n̵u̵e̵l̵e̵ Wayne Flask and Alex Caruana.