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Studenti Graffitti Goes Tipsy Tombla

🎫 Join us for a fun night of laughing, drinking and Tombla at the Anvil Pub!

🍹 Every line gets a free shot and every house gets a free drink, and some merch can also be won! Don’t forget to meet us at Freshers’ Week for a chance to win a free drink!

📝 Sign up via this form:

See you there❗


🎫 Ingħaqdu magħna għal lejla ta’ divertiment, daħq, xorb u Tombla ġewwa l-Anvil Pub!

🍹 Ma kull linja tieħu shot b’xejn u ma kull house tieħu drink b’xejn, kif ukoll tista’ tirbaħ ftit merch. Tinsewx tiġu tiltaqgħu magħna waqt Freshers’ Week u tkunu wkoll biċ-ċans li tirbħu drink b’xejn!

📝 Irreġistra permezz ta’ din il-formola:

Narawkom hemm❗