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Safe Space Before Pride March – Malta 2024

Before the Pride March, Moviment Graffitti will once again be opening its premises to provide a safe space for anyone who would like to come and have a drink with us, listen to some music and prepare for the March.

Those who would like to come and dress for the Pride, make placards (we have the materials), put on makeup (you can get your stuff or use our own) or meet others are welcome to come to our premises at 67 Strait Street, Valletta from 14:30 onwards.


Għal darb’oħra, il-Moviment Graffitti, din is-sena se jkun qed joffri l-ispazju tiegħu biex jipprovdi ambjent sikur lil kull min jixtieq jiġi jixrob xiħaġa magħna, jisma’ ftit mużika u jipprepara għall-Marċ.

Jekk tixtiequ tiġu tilbsu għall-Pride, tagħmlu xi kartelluni (għandna l-materjal), tagħmlu l-makeup (tistgħu iġġibu tagħkom jew tużaw tagħna), jew tiltaqgħu ma’ oħrajn, merħba bikom ġewwa 67, Triq id-Dejqa, il-Belt mis-14:30 ‘il quddiem.