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Release the Five – Their Place Is With Us In the Community

Five men are currently detained at the Safi Detention Centre following government raids on Malta’s well-established Ethiopian community.

For the better part of two decades these men have built their lives here, working legally, paying social security and taxes, and contributing to our economy. They developed a network of friends, family, and colleagues and are a valuable part of our social fabric.

They currently face the prospect of being forcibly deported to a country they have long forgotten, where they face the risk of persecution and cruel treatment.

Join us on Tuesday at 18:00 in front of the Safi Detention Centre to stand in solidarity with our brothers inside and call on the authorities to immediately:

  • Halt the raids that target long-standing members of our community and spread fear amongst the most vulnerable.
  • Release these five men from detention.
  • Create a pathway to a regularized status for people who have made a long-term positive contribution to our society.

We cannot abide and stand by as the authorities raid homes and disappear our friends and our colleagues. Their place is with us.