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PA Meeting on the Central Link Project

It is in the interest of all residents of Attard to attend this meeting. This project shall neither reduce traffic nor pollution, but actually increase it due to induced demand, a phenomenon that has been stated and accepted by Transport Malta itself. This project shall destroy over 48,000 metres squared of agriculture land (the size of 6 football grounds), ruin a number of full time farmers and destroying over almost 600 trees and a good number of them protected. It will also destroy a cluster of buildings that are thought to be the oldest part of the Attard, something that has been pointed out by ERA.

The application shall be discussed and decided by the Planning Board at the meeting to be held on 18 July 2019. The sitting will be held from 10:00 hours onwards, at the Planning Authority Boardroom, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana.

Whoever is interested to be present is required to register his/her interest by contacting the Planning Board Secretariat on 2290 2020.

Suitable attire for a public board meeting is requested. Shorts and sleeveless tops are not considered suitable.