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Down with the Developers’ Dictatorship // Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi

Following the serious building collapses that have happened around the island as a result of construction works, Moviment Graffitti is organising a protest in front of the MDA offices this Tuesday, 18th June. The protest will kick off from St Luke’s Hospital at 6pm, followed by a short walk in front of the Malta Developers Association (MDA) headquarters.

Graffitti is inviting residents and resident associations from various localities in Malta to show their displeasure at the way they have been treated by the developers’ lobby and their dictatorship.

We are making a list of urgent demands in order to safeguard the safety of residents around Malta, who are now scared of staying in their own homes:

  1. An end to the boundless arrogance and bullying of developers on residents;
  2. A limit to permits issued by the various authorities and an end to the laissez-faire in the planning sector.
  3. A restriction on the hours in which construction and excavation works can be carried out, and a limit on the number of road closures and parking slots stolen from residents;
  4. A law that imposes decent standards to safeguard the residents’ health and safety in areas close to construction sites;
  5. A serious enforcement of the laws regulating construction, to give, without exception, protection and dignity to workers and residents alike;
  6. That responsibility is taken for the permanent deformation of our islands, particularly when such incidents are involved: so far, nobody has taken responsibility for any of these accidents.

We encourage all those who are angry, fed up and worried about this situation to join this protest.



Fid-dawl tal-inċidenti gravi li seħħew riċentement fejn numru ta’ djar ċedew minħabba xogħlijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni li kien qed isir biswit, il-Moviment Graffitti qed jistieden lil residenti u għaqdiet minn bosta lokalitajiet sabiex jingħaqdu miegħu fi protesta sabiex anke huma jesprimu l-għadab tagħhom għall-ħakma tal-iżviluppaturi ġewwa pajjiżna.

Il-protesta se ssir nhar it-Tlieta, 18 ta’ Ġunju, u se tibda minn ħdejn l-isptar San Luqa ġewwa Gwardamanġa fis-6.00 ta’ filgħaxija, u tingħalaq wara mixja sa quddiem il-kwartieri tal-Malta Developers Association (MDA) f’Gwardamangia stess.

Se nkunu qed nagħmlu dawn it-talbiet, li issa saru iktar urġenti minn qabel, sabiex in-nies ma jibqgħux jibżgħu joqogħdu ġo djarhom stess:

  1. Li jieqfu l-ibbulljar u l-arroganza bla qies tal-iżviluppaturi fuq ir-residenti.
  2. Li l-Awtoritajiet ma jagħtux iktar permessi bl-addoċċ, anzi jillimitaw in-numru ta’ permessi li jinħarġu kull sena.
  3. Li l-ħinijiet li fihom isir bini u skavar ikunu aktar ristretti u jkun limitat in-numru ta’ toroq li jingħalqu, kif ukoll in-numru ta’ parkeġġi li jittieħdu mingħand ir-residenti.
  4. Li l-liġi timponi standards diċenti li jħarsu s-saħħa u s-sigurtà tar-residenti u tal-ħaddiema fuq siti tal-kostruzzjoni.
  5. Li jsir infurzar bis-serjetà u mingħajr eċċezzjoni tal-liġijiet li jikkontrollaw il-kostruzzjoni, sabiex tingħata protezzjoni u dinjità lill-ħaddiema u lir-residenti.
  6. Li tittieħed responsabbiltà għall-dan l-isfreġju li qed isir f’pajjiżna speċjalment meta jsiru inċidenti bħal ma diġà seħħew. S’issa kulħadd ħasel idejh mir-responsabbiltajiet.

Inħeġġu lil kull min hu rrabjat, imxebba’ jew imħasseb dwar dan id-dittatorjat prepotenti tal-iżviluppaturi sabiex jingħaqad magħna.