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Category: Workers’ Rights & Living Income

“Improve the work-life balance law’”, organisations tell Parliamentary Secretary, Hon. Dr Andy Ellul

Nine organisations in support of parental rights, workers’ rights and equality between men and women have sent a letter to [...]

‘Xi drabi b’sagrifiċċju, kelli norqod mingħajr ma niekol’ – Rafel Grima

Il-ġlieda favur id-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema immigranti mhijiex faċli f’pajjiż li għaddej japprofitta minnhom qishom l-iskjavi tiegħu Nhar it-13 ta’ Lulju 2022, [...]

“You’ve failed to protect the interests of the workers” – Organisations with a letter to the unions on the transposition of the European Directive on work-life balance.

Eight organisations active in support of workers’ rights, parental rights and equality between women and men, have sent a letter [...]

Disappointing implementation of the Work-life Balance Directive that goes against the spirit of the law

In a context where Malta still experiences significant inequality between men and women, where the caring burden is still placed [...]

Intervista ma’ Sammy Meilaq, ex-tarznar u trejdjunjonista

F’Jum il-Ħaddiema tkellimna ma’ Sammy Meilaq dwar l-inġustizzji li qed iġarrbu l-ħaddiema u x’jista’ jsir biex jintgħelbu. “L-inqas paga għandha [...]

Memories of May Day – Wayne Flask

I come from a working class family who votes Labour. Going to Church schools in the 1990s wasn’t easy at [...]

Minimum wage and social justice – Rafel Grima

The European Commission recently proposed setting minimum wage standards across the bloc. However, both Government and Opposition have agreed to [...]

Bolted out of decent conditions – Erica Schembri

Consumer convenience and lower prices are often touted as reasons why the gig economy is becoming so popular, especially in [...]

Moviment Graffitti calls for raising the minimum wage

EU proposal on adequate minimum wages should be welcomed, not opposed, by Malta Moviment Graffitti is strongly in favour of [...]

Living incomes, living contradictions – Wayne Flask

At the end of August, during a period of relative lull as the country was getting to terms with the [...]