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Category: Environmental Justice

Counter-exhibition – Villas in Comino: What Hili Group would not like you to see

The public is being invited for an information meeting regarding the proposal of Hili Group for villas and a hotel [...]

Moviment Graffitti condemns Mistra works meant to influence court

Moviment Graffitti is expressing its anger at the current works happening on the site of the ex-Mistra Village in Xemxija. [...]

Withdraw the outrageous Comino village plans immediately, or face the people’s ire – organisations warn Hili Group

Seven environmental organisations have voiced the people’s strong objections to Hili Group’s proposal to develop a villa complex on the [...]

Moviment Graffitti stands firm – revoke the permit which has destroyed protected Bidnija valley!

Moviment Graffitti has noted the public relations offensive made by the applicant of the huge building purporting to be a [...]

Authorities’ inaction will lead to more road deaths – redesign Mġarr Road now!

Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta, and Rota have sent a second open letter to Dr Aaron Farrugia, Minister [...]

The fallacy of safer roads — Who will take responsibility for deadly road designs?

On Friday 17 February, activists from Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta and Rota unfolded a banner on Mġarr [...]

L-organizzazzjonijiet jibagħtu ittra miftuħa fejn jitolbu disinn mill-ġdid immedjat ta’ Triq l-Imġarr biex tingħata prijorità lis-sigurtà u l-effiċjenza taċ-ċiklisti u dawk li jkunu mexjin

Ilbieraħ, 15 ta’ Frar, Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta, u Rota bagħtu ittra lill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti [...]

Justice to the victims of the construction industry will only be served when the sector is reformed

Greed continues to rule the construction industry Exactly two months ago, the lifeless body of 20-year old Jean Paul Sofia [...]

Sham sheep farm in Bidnija – Six organisations and over a hundred persons file application for revocation of permit

Six organisations and over a hundred individuals have filed a collective action for the revocation of the permit for the [...]

Public floods Planning Authority with over 13,500 objections against monstrous “Comino village” development proposal

Plans to create a complex of villas disfiguring Santa Marija Bay on the island of Comino as part of the [...]