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Category: Environmental Justice

Taken for a Ride by Transport Malta

Local NGOs express disappointment at authorities on Gozo fast ferry e-bike policy (Verżjoni bil-Malti isfel) Transport Malta and the Malta [...]

One Year Since the Killing of Jean Paul Sofia

A year ago today, Jean Paul Sofia was found dead under the rubble of a building in Corradino. Jean Paul [...]

Moviment Graffitti calls for the suspension of the Garden of Eden application in Wied Babu

Moviment Graffitti is maintaining that unless the land occupied by the illegal makeshift car park opposite the Garden of Eden [...]

Aaron Farrugia: The coast belongs to the people, not to the yachts!

Moviment Graffitti is extremely worried about the news that the government has devised a strategy to attract more superyachts in [...]

Amnesty for Developers’ Lobby

While Prime Minister Robert Abela was busy congratulating himself for a ‘positive meeting’ with Moviment Graffitti activists at the height [...]

We Deserve Functioning Authorities

We deserve functioning authoritiesThe people saved Mosta from the authorities’ incompetence This evening, residents, members of the wider public, and [...]

Public’s Right to Planning Appeals Threatened by Suggested Reform

NGOs welcome long-overdue measures but fear that the new proposals may threaten the right to appeal In response to the [...]

Moviment Graffitti calls on the Infrastructure Ministry to stop taking people for a ride and withdraw Birgu Yacht Marina plans

Following the Infrastructure Ministry’s denial that there are plans for a Yacht Marina in it-Toqba tal-Birgu, Moviment Graffitti is calling [...]

Response to the Planning Authority’s approval of the Msida Creek Project

In collaboration, three local NGOs – Rota, Moviment Graffitti and Friends of the Earth Malta – have prepared the below [...]

Salvat ir-Razzett tal-Belliegħa f’Għawdex

Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon d-deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill Eżekuttiv tal-PA biex jiġi salvat ir-razzett vernakulari fiż-żona Tal-Belliegħa fir-Rabat, Għawdex. Xorta, iżda, inkomplu nisħqu li [...]