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Category: Environmental Justice

Over 4,000 objections to the proposed ITS project

A record number of over 4,000 objections to the proposed project on the ITS site has been submitted to the [...]

[WATCH] Reasons for ITS Objection

Why are residents, local councils and NGOs opposing the project proposed by the db Group on the ITS site?  Watch  [...]

Moviment Graffitti urges Planning Authority to stop choking Malta with Fuel Stations

Moviment Graffitti urges the Planning Authority not to approve more projects tied to shopping complexes, disguised as petrol stations that [...]

Protest in Pembroke Against ITS-DB Development

On Wednesday May 16, we, residents of Pembroke, with the support of NGOs, came together to protest against db Group’s proposal to [...]

‘Phantom tunnel’ scepticism as Pembroke residents meet ITS site developers

Graffiti activist Andre Callus meanwhile insisted that the developers could not propose a traffic management assessment based on a “phantom [...]

Protest in Pembroke – Do Not Bury Us Alive!

Residents in Pembroke are organising a protest titled ‘Do Not Bury Us Alive’ on Wednesdays 16th May. Pembroke, Swieqi and [...]

[WATCH] Pembroke Residents on Impact of ITS-DB Development

Residenti ta’ Pembroke jitkellmu dwar il-proġett propost fuq is-sit tal-ITS: “L-iżviluppaturi stess qed jikkalkulaw li se jkun hawn 7,500 KAROZZA [...]

‘We’ll stop other PA meetings if we have to’ – Times Talk

Developers have “turned politicians into their puppets” and the only thing that can stop them from bulldozing over Malta’s natural [...]

Do Not Bury Us Alive

Today, residents, the Pembroke and St. Julian’s Local Councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the [...]

Mixed reactions to fuel stations policy proposal

Andre Callus, a spokesman for the NGO Moviment Graffitti, which recently organised a protest at the PA calling for applications [...]