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Category: Environmental Justice

[WATCH] Direct Action – The PA is besieging Malta with massive and useless fuel stations

Moviment Graffitti has, early this morning, started a symbolic siege on the Planning Authority’s (PA) premises to denounce the authority’s [...]

[WATCH] Clips from this morning’s direct action outside Planning Authority’s main gate in Floriana

See video clip. Press Statement: The PA is besieging Malta with massive and useless fuel stations Moviment Graffitti has, early [...]

Graffitti warns of ‘more forceful direct action’ if fuel station delays continue

“We have tried everything – e-mails, articles, protests, press conferences – to make the PA revise a policy which the [...]

Why we all should demand fuel service station policy revision now

First and foremost, we are a very small country—and one of the most built up countries in Europe. This is [...]

Almost a year since ERA reviewed fuel station policy, and changes still nowhere to be seen

“In June 2018, the Planning Authority then began its own review process, however this has either not yet concluded or [...]

Communities and NGOs file further lawsuits opposing the db Group project

Residents, NGOs and three Local Councils have filed two lawsuits regarding the db Group project on the ex-ITS site (City [...]

An informed discussion on the Malta-Gozo tunnel has yet to start

Whilst fully acknowledging the need to address mobility challenges experienced by Gozitan workers and students, we express our disagreement with [...]

A policy prohibiting ODZ fuel stations should be implemented at once

Eleven NGOs are indignant at the Planning Authority’s failure to revise the current fuel stations policy and at comments indicating [...]

Significant win in the fight against the db Group project on the ITS site

Today’s decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal is a significant win in the fight against the monstrous db [...]

Rebħa importanti għal moviment magħmul minn għaqdiet, Kunsilli Lokali u residenti

Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon kbir id-deċiżjoni tal-Ministru Konrad Mizzi li jirtira l-avviż għat-trasferiment tal-art lill-Grupp Corinthia. Filwaqt li nifhmu li din mhijiex [...]