“I’m barely getting any sleep…”. I guess I’d complain of insomnia, too, were a government agency to suddenly appear on [...]
Signs they held urged people to “stand up and be counted” and expressed frustration at construction disturbances, stating “iż-żejjed kollu [...]
Unannounced project expected to take up further agricultural land and ruin farming activity in the area Qormi farmers and residents [...]
Moviment Graffitti has slammed the DB Group’s revised plans for their City Centre project, describing these plans as “a blatant [...]
Moviment Graffitti is submitting its feedback to the public consultation on the Ħal-Ferħ Development Brief, which is seeking to establish [...]
Since the 24th October, an MSC cruise ship has been docked at the shipyard for repairs. Many residents have complained [...]
Several residents and Moviment Graffitti have appealed the PA’s decision to approve a Waterpolo Pitch, clubhouse and restaurant next to [...]
The Dingli road saga, a proposed road on agricultural land which aims to connect Sqaq il-MUSEUM, Daħla tas-Sienja, and Triq [...]
Moviment Graffitti is calling on the Planning Board to unequivocally reject the proposed mega-development in Naxxar during tomorrow’s sitting at [...]
The six undersigned environmental organisations wish to announce that they will be challenging the deed through which the Government granted [...]