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Category: Press Statements

Disappointing implementation of the Work-life Balance Directive that goes against the spirit of the law

In a context where Malta still experiences significant inequality between men and women, where the caring burden is still placed [...]

‘The idea of balance on Comino is a lie’ – Moviment Graffitti releases video showing the current situation in Comino

After our action to reclaim Blue Lagoon, Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo announced that the operators would no longer be allowed [...]

Organisations launch crowdfunding campaign for legal actions against Portelli’s ODZ pool

Five organisations have launched a crowdfunding campaign for legal actions against the Planning Authority’s decision to approve yet another obscene [...]

Moviment Graffitti reclaims Blue Lagoon

This morning, Moviment Graffitti is carrying out an action that should have been taken a long time ago by the [...]

Moviment Graffitti writes a letter to five Ministers demanding they address the theft of Blue Lagoon

On Monday the 6th of June, Moviment Graffitti sent a letter to Minister for Tourism Clayton Bartolo, Minister for the [...]

“Return Blue Lagoon to the Public” – Moviment Graffitti demands immediate government action

Moviment Graffitti demands the government take urgent action to return the Blue Lagoon in Comino to the public and stop [...]

Studenti Graffitti finds comments on University students‘ lethargy ironic

The student wing of Moviment Graffitti – Studenti Graffitti – have observed the statements made in the past few days [...]

Mġarr residents unite to protect fields in ODZ

Residents and farmers from Mġarr addressed a press conference to express their anger at the appeal launched by Electrofix against [...]

Public outcries to save Wied Żnuber persist

This morning a group of Birżebbuġa residents, associations and interested persons walked from the church of Bengħajsa to the Wied [...]

Portelli’s ODZ Pool in Xagħra might be approved by PA despite recommendation for refusal

Five eNGOs are extremely concerned by the fact that the Planning Authority’s has not refused an application for a swimming [...]