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Category: Press Statements

Where’s the respect? There is no us without them

The Government has committed itself to building a ‘cosmopolitan Malta’. Workers from around the world have been invited to come [...]

15 organisations sound alarm on regularisation of ODZ illegalities

Planning Authority set on giving early Christmas gift to developers 15 organisations are calling on the public to immediately object [...]

Close the Mediterraneo Marine Park! – Protest this Saturday

Moviment Graffitti, Animal Liberation Malta and a number of other organisations are urging the public to join them in a [...]

NO to Stivala’s massive hotel in a residential area

Moviment Graffitti, together with residents, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, and other organisations, have expressed their disgust at Michael Stivala’s proposed [...]

Agricultural Reforms Vague, Ridden with Loopholes

Malta Youth in Agriculture and Moviment Graffitti say Agricultural Leases reforms are not far-reaching enough The Agricultural Leases White Paper [...]

Rampant commercialisation at the University of Malta

Moviment Graffitti will be, alongside a number of other organisations, protesting against the hyper-commercialisation of student life at the University [...]

The Msida Creek Project needs to return to the drawing board

Last week, Infrastructure Malta presented the revamped plans for the Msida Creek Flyovers, illustrated with mature trees but with gaping [...]

“Object to sham sheep farm”, Moviment Graffitti urges public

Moviment Graffitti has formally objected with the Planning Authority to application PA/5895/22 which seeks to officially transform the sham sheep [...]

Close the Mediterraneo Marine Park!

Moviment Graffitti, Animal Liberation Malta, Association for Abandoned Animals (AAA), Island Sanctuary, Animal Protectors Malta, Nature Trust Malta, Real Animal [...]

Demolish sham sheep farm and prosecute responsible officials for environmental crimes

Moviment Graffitti is calling for the immediate demolition of the sham sheep farm in Wied tal-Ħżejjen, Bidnija, a valley as [...]