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Category: Comino

NGOs vow to fight on to save Comino from urbanisation

NGOs opposing the urban village being proposed by Hili Group on Comino are vowing to fight on to save the [...]

No half-baked measures: de-commercialise the Blue Lagoon

A broad coalition of NGOs and citizens are reiterating their demand to curb the excessive commercial activity at the Blue [...]

Blue Lagoon – ERA fails to take action against the illegal placement of deckchairs on garigue land

Moviment Graffitti expresses its disgust at the encroachment by rental deckchairs operators on garigue land close to the Blue Lagoon [...]

Organisations counter greenwashing of “monstrous” Comino development by Hili Group

Seven organisations have staged a joint counter-exhibition in response to Hili Group’s presentation of their plans for redeveloping the old [...]

Counter-exhibition – Villas in Comino: What Hili Group would not like you to see

The public is being invited for an information meeting regarding the proposal of Hili Group for villas and a hotel [...]

Withdraw the outrageous Comino village plans immediately, or face the people’s ire – organisations warn Hili Group

Seven environmental organisations have voiced the people’s strong objections to Hili Group’s proposal to develop a villa complex on the [...]

Public floods Planning Authority with over 13,500 objections against monstrous “Comino village” development proposal

Plans to create a complex of villas disfiguring Santa Marija Bay on the island of Comino as part of the [...]

Organisations call on public to object to monstrous “Comino village” development

Environmental organisations are urging the public to oppose developers’ plans to create a complex of villas on the island of [...]

The People for Comino

Scores of people joined Moviment Graffitti today Saturday 13th August 2022 in the public protest ‘Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Reclaim [...]

Reclaim Blue Lagoon – Public Protest on Saturday 13 August

Moviment Graffitti is announcing a public protest on Comino for Saturday 13th August 2022: Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Reclaim Blue [...]