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Category: Anti-Capitalism / A Just Economy

Moviment Graffitti strongly objects to Sannat mega development

Moviment Graffitti is  strongly objecting to the proposal for the construction of a block of 125 apartments just 300 metres [...]

Moviment Graffitti and Qala Local Council file appeal against Qala development after strong public response to call for donations

Moviment Graffitti and the Qala Local Council, with the full support of Mayor Paul Buttigieg, have initiated legal proceedings with [...]

610 Xgħajra residents sign letter against high-rise development on the locality’s seafront

A stunning 610 Xgħajra residents and property owners have signed a letter to the Planning Authority declaring their unequivocal opposition [...]

“We are all collateral damage” – Moviment Graffitti warns public inquiry about government-business nexus

We are all collateral damage as long as the relationship between political parties and the business class remains tight-knit, Moviment [...]

Captain Morgan seeks to expand its takeover of Balluta Bay

After having been granted permission by the Planning Authority to operate a tourist catamaran in Balluta Bay, Captain Morgan (owned [...]

National unity: A leftist perspective – Wayne Flask

We were pleased – early Saturday morning notwithstanding – to accept the president’s invitation to attend the conference on national [...]

Influence-peddling at Planning Authority requires immediate investigation

Moviment Graffitti calls for an independent investigation into Johann Buttigieg’s conduct at the Planning Authority Today’s revelations in The Sunday [...]

Miriam Pace’s silent death – Wayne Flask

A year ago to this day, Miriam Pace was officially pronounced dead. She was dug out from under the rubble [...]

They shall not pass – Wayne Flask

Last Saturday, merely a few weeks after Mrieħel, we took to Burmarrad for yet another press conference denouncing another instalment [...]

Organisations object for the fourth time to the db Group’s monstrous project

Organisations have objected for the fourth time to the db Group’s project on the ex-ITS site. They state that the [...]