This morning, Moviment Graffitti is carrying out an action that should have been taken a long time ago by the [...]
On Monday the 6th of June, Moviment Graffitti sent a letter to Minister for Tourism Clayton Bartolo, Minister for the [...]
Moviment Graffitti demands the government take urgent action to return the Blue Lagoon in Comino to the public and stop [...]
L-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar illum taqa’ taħt il-Ministru Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Jekk il-Ministru Zrinzo Azzopardi jiddeċiedi li f’din il-leġislatura l-ġdida ma jagħmel [...]
Portelli continues to threaten Ta’ Ċenċ Four organisations have written to the chair of the Planning Authority and Planning Commission, [...]
An application (PA/02087/21) which will add 73 apartments to create a monstrous 125-unit complex in Sannat will be heard for [...]
Moviment Graffitti has filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Planning Authority’s (PA) FOI Officer to demand access [...]
On the 20th of January 2022, the Marsaskala Local Council met with Minister Ian Borg on the issue of the [...]
Moviment Graffitti states that the countless abuses committed by developers like Portelli are leaving a trail of destruction in Gozo [...]
Letter signed by 700 individuals and 8 organisations asks for investigation of potential breach of several EU regulations Marsaskala residents [...]