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Category: Anti-Capitalism / A Just Economy

Viral video of PA protesters hints at broader development sprawl anger

People are fed up of the rich and powerful walking all over them and buying out governments. That, activists believe, [...]

Objection to ITS development

Now is the time to make our voices heard! Pembroke, Swieqi and St. Julian’s are threatened by a proposed development [...]

Communities come together to request urgent Corinthia debate

A large number of NGOs, residents’ groups and three Local Councils have written to the Honourable Alexander Muscat, Chairman of [...]

Corinthia deal – land grab for a horrendous project

Moviment Graffitti is strongly opposed to the proposed deal that would gift public land to the Corinthia group for real [...]

[WATCH] Xtra dwar l-għotja t’art pubblika lill-Corinthia

Rappreżentant tal-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-programm Xtra fejn ġiet diskussa l-kwistjoni tal-għotja t’art pubblika lill-Corinthia. ARA l-programm sħiħ fil-vidjo. ——————————– [...]

Pembroke residents meet with President of Malta to outline concerns about ITS project

Pembroke residents outlined their grave concerns about the proposed db Group project on the ITS site during a meeting with [...]

[WATCH] Moviment Graffitti activist discusses work and the economy on Xarabank

Attivist fil-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-panel ta’ Xarabank fejn ġew diskussi x-xogħol, l-ekonomija u d-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema. F’dan il-video tistgħu taraw [...]

Il-Prezz tal-Ħobż Għadu Validu Illum Il-Ġurnata?

“Għal dawk in-nies li jinsabu f’livell soċjo-ekonomiku baxx, il-proporzjon tad-dħul tiegħek li jmur f’affarijiet relatati mal-ikel se jkun ogħla minn [...]

Letter on ITS project presented by Pembroke residents to MPs

Representatives of Pembroke residents opposing the massive db Group project on the ITS site presented a letter to Members of [...]

[WATCH] Approving the mega petrol station in Luqa would be an act of senseless environmental destruction

See video clip. The Planning Board will today decide on an application for a mega fuel station on agricultural ODZ [...]