People are fed up of the rich and powerful walking all over them and buying out governments. That, activists believe, [...]
Now is the time to make our voices heard! Pembroke, Swieqi and St. Julian’s are threatened by a proposed development [...]
A large number of NGOs, residents’ groups and three Local Councils have written to the Honourable Alexander Muscat, Chairman of [...]
Moviment Graffitti is strongly opposed to the proposed deal that would gift public land to the Corinthia group for real [...]
Rappreżentant tal-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-programm Xtra fejn ġiet diskussa l-kwistjoni tal-għotja t’art pubblika lill-Corinthia. ARA l-programm sħiħ fil-vidjo. ——————————– [...]
Pembroke residents outlined their grave concerns about the proposed db Group project on the ITS site during a meeting with [...]
Attivist fil-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-panel ta’ Xarabank fejn ġew diskussi x-xogħol, l-ekonomija u d-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema. F’dan il-video tistgħu taraw [...]
“Għal dawk in-nies li jinsabu f’livell soċjo-ekonomiku baxx, il-proporzjon tad-dħul tiegħek li jmur f’affarijiet relatati mal-ikel se jkun ogħla minn [...]
Representatives of Pembroke residents opposing the massive db Group project on the ITS site presented a letter to Members of [...]
See video clip. The Planning Board will today decide on an application for a mega fuel station on agricultural ODZ [...]