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Category: Anti-Capitalism / A Just Economy

Undeclared plans of Cold War facility underneath St. George’s Barracks revealed – NGOs request Emergency Conservation Order

Following the Planning Authority’s approval of the db Group project in St. George’s Bay last year, three local councils, several [...]

Il-Kummenti tal-Prim Ministru fuq il-Ħaddiema

Il-fatt li l-Prim Ministru ilbieraħ filgħaxija (2 ta’ Mejju, l-għada ta’ Jum il-Ħaddiem) stqarr li l-Maltin m’għandhomx jagħmlu ċertu xogħlijiet [...]

Waiting for the fuel station policy review

An online timer counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds from the Environment Minister’s promise on the 25th January 2018 [...]

[WATCH] Petrol stations direct action – discussion on Follow-Up

Attivist tal-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-programm Follow-Up, fejn ġew diskussi numru ta’ temi fosthom l-azzjoni diretta kontra l-pompi tal-petrol fl-ODZ [...]

ASSEDJU PA – We are currently clearing the campsite, convinced that pressure is working

Assedju PA is coming to an end this evening, with activists currently clearing the campsite convinced that the pressure on [...]

[WATCH] Day 4 – AssedjuPA Press Conference

Click on the link to watch.


Malta will be celebrating Freedom Day whilst under the rule of speculators

While tomorrow our country will be commemorating its Freedom from British colonial rule, these celebrations will be held under the [...]

[WATCH] Presenting a letter to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport asking for a review of the Fuel Service Station Policy

Illum waranofsinhar imxejna mill-kamp Assedju PA sal-Ministeru tal-Infrastruttura u t-Trasport, sabiex nagħtu ittra lill-Ministru Ian Borg – il-Ministru responsabbli mill-Awtorita [...]

Passiveness: Malta’s silent killer

“Support activists fighting for a cause you believe in. Thank them, let them know they are not alone, join them, [...]

[WATCH] Direct Action – The PA is besieging Malta with massive and useless fuel stations

Moviment Graffitti has, early this morning, started a symbolic siege on the Planning Authority’s (PA) premises to denounce the authority’s [...]