Ir-regoli l-ġodda mħabbra lbieraħ mill-Ministru Ian Borg huma frott ta’ konsultazzjoni qsajra ta’ ħamest ijiem, rekord nazzjonali ġdid, bl-għan li [...]
“Ejja nifhmu li r-responsabbiltà hi li l-iżviluppaturi f’Malta tul dawn l-aħħar snin akkumulaw bil-flus li għandhom poter kbir u qed [...]
Tomorrow, we’ll march just like we’ve marched with other NGOs in 2006, when George Pullicino opened the floodgates for the [...]
Residents, NGOs and three Local Councils welcome the positive news that the permit for the abusive speculation at St George’s [...]
We wanted to say thankyou this morning, but then came the news of the courtroom victory in relation to the [...]
“Huwa aktar minn pass pożittiv; din hija rebħa kbira għar-residenti ta’ Pembroke, Swieqi, San Ġiljan u żoni fil-qrib li ġġieldu [...]
We often rely on your donations to be able to carry on with our work. We also believe in solidarity [...]
Having fought long and hard for a revision of the 2015 Fuel Service Station Policy, Moviment Graffitti welcomes several proposed [...]
The Malta Developers Association, a lobby formed by construction heads has been receiving grants funded by taxpayers’ money since 2015, [...]
Tonight at Earth Garden, our man Danjeli Schembri will be playing our battlecry Tiżfnu għad-Daqqa tal-Iżviluppaturi during Pudina at Earth [...]