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Category: Anti-Capitalism / A Just Economy

Graffitti dismayed new fuel stations policy will require third round of public consultation before approval

Graffitti activist Andre Callus has again raised his concerns about the length of time it is taking for a fuel [...]

Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed – Protesta

Moviment Graffitti is making a call for participation in a national protest free from partisan politics – Enough is Enough: [...]


Xbajtu? Anke aħna. Jinkoraġġuna u jikkonslawna l-messaġġi li bgħattulna tul dawn il-jiem, issaqsuna hux ser nipprotestaw, u x’se nagħmlu. Tul [...]

Authorities uncomfortable enforcing rules against some classes of people

Maltese authorities aren’t comfortable enforcing the rules against particular classes of people, to the detriment of the remainder of society, [...]

Jiddeskrivu dak li ġara llum bħala “assurd u krudili”

Koalizzjoni ta’ 20 organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva ddeskriviet dak li ġara llum, fejn għexieren ta’ immigranti instabu jgħixu fi stalel u [...]

A small victory for the environment

At last Tuesday’s protest march, there was a minute’s silence for the seventh victim of fatal accidents on construction sites [...]

The Developers’ Dictatorship Flutters Its Wings – In The Law Courts Too!

While MDA chairman/government consultant Sandro Chetcuti was busy announcing the introduction of a contractors’ register, a 75-year old lady has [...]

Residents, Local Councils and NGOs condemn ruse to splice and dice ITS application to evade holistic assessment of huge project

In view of the db Group’s separate development application for the proposed excavation of the former ITS site (PA/05533/19), residents, [...]

Residential Leases Act: The First Step Forward – Instability and Exorbitant Prices Yet To Be Addressed

A coalition of 20 NGOs active in the social field view the Residential Leases Bill as the first step forward. [...]

Homeless and Humiliated

One of the residents who lost their home in G’Mangia following excavation works next door has spoken to us earlier [...]