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Vigil for Justice – Justice for Sion

⚫ Join us on Thursday 23rd February for a vigil in front of the Courts of Justice, Valletta at 6:30pm

🪧 Together with her family, we will be commemorating Sion’s life, remembering her tragic death, and seeking justice following 18 long years of waiting for the alleged murderers to walk free.
We will also be questioning:
– Why did it take 18 years of the case to start?
– Why was the word ‘prostituta’ so important for this case?
– Why was the key evidence lost?
– Why were there mistakes in the charges?

All those in support of LGBTIQ+ & women’s lives are welcome to join us in this demonstration.

🎨 Illustration of Sion by Gorg Mallia


⚫ Ingħaqdu magħna l-Ħamis 23 ta’ Frar għal velja quddiem il-Qorti tal Ġustizzja, il-Belt fis-6:30pm.

🪧 Flimkien ma familta, ħa nkunu qed nikkommemoraw il-ħajja ta Sion, niftakru fil-mewta traġika tagħha, u nistaqsu għal ġustizzja wara 18 il-sena twila biex il-qattiela allegati ħarġu mhux ħatja.
Ser inkunu qed nistaqsu:
– Għaliex dal-każ dam 18 il-sena biex jibda?
– Għaliex il-kelma prostituta tagħat daqshekk importanza f’dal każ?
– Għaliex l-evidenza mportanti ġiet mitlufa?
– Għaliex kien hemm żballji fl-akkużi?

Nistiednu lil kull min jappoġġja l-komunita LGBTIQ u in-nisa biex tingħaqdu magħna għal din id-demostrazzjoni.

🎨 Tpinġija ta Sion minn Gorg Mallia