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Mixja l-Miżieb

🌳 Il-Qorti tal-Appell ħassret il-ftehim sigriet li bih il-Miżieb u l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa ngħataw mill-Gvern lill-FKNK.

Ser niċċelebraw din ir-rebħa, u napprezzaw dawn l-ispazji li reġgħu lura għand il-poplu, permezz ta’ mixja ġewwa l-Miżieb nhar is-Sibt 3 ta’ Diċembru fid-9.30.

📌 Nitilqu mir-Riserva tas-Simar ix-Xemxija. Wara mixja qasira ġol-Miżieb, il-pubbliku jista’ jibqa’ għal piknik fuq il-post.

L-awtoritajiet ippruvaw jisirqu miljun u nofs metru kwadru t’art tal-poplu sabiex jużawha ftit nies biss.

❌ Ma rnexxilhomx.

Dan għaliex l-għaqdiet iġġieldu sal-aħħar sabiex l-imsaġar tal-Miżieb u l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa jibqgħu aċċessibbli għal kulħadd.

Aħna determinati li kulħadd jibqa’ jgawdi dawn l-ispazji miftuħa tant essenzjali għalina.



🌳 The Court of Appeal annulled the secret agreement by which the Miżieb and L-Aħrax areas were handed to the FKNK by the government.

We will celebrate this victory and appreciate the beauty of these places, which have now been handed back to the public, with a walk through Miżieb on Saturday, December 3rd at 09:30.

📌 We will be leaving from the Simar nature reserve in Xemxija. After a short walk through Miżieb, we encourage the public to stay and picnic.

The authorities tried to steal 1.5 million m2 of public land for the benefit of a select few.

❌ They failed.

This is because NGOs fought tooth and nail so that the woodlands of Miżieb and L-Aħrax remain accessible to all.

We are determined to make sure everyone can continue to enjoy these public spaces that are so important to society.