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Press Conference – Stop the Abuse, Close Mediterraneo Marine Park

🐬 Join us outside of the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division at 10:30am on Saturday, the 22nd of October, in a press conference where we will be demanding the closure and the revoking of the license of the Mediterraneo Marine Park, in order to end the capturing, training and mistreatment of dolphins, which ultimately led to the demise of 3 of them last year.

❗Let’s put a stop to this before there can be more deaths of these incredible intellectual creatures.

😮 The Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division (VRD) concluded that the deaths were ‘a pure accident.’

⚠️ However, the Office of the Commissioner for Animal Welfare’s investigation concluded that the VRD’s own investigation was only carried out after the Commissioner’s inquiries, nine months after the dolphins’ deaths, and before February 2022, “no event-specific measures were taken by the VRD, and the Mediterraneo Marine Park was allowed to go about its business as usual.”

🔴 The Office of the Commissioner for Animal Welfare concluded that “a degree of negligence was involved on more than one occasion,” as attested to by the park’s own statement. We refuse to accept this negligence.

📣 This event is organized by Moviment Graffitti and Animal Liberation Malta, and endorsed by AAA, Island Sanctuary, Animal Protectors Malta, Nature Trust Malta, Real Animal Rights Foundation (RAR), Extinction Rebellion Malta, Animal Guardians Malta, CSAF, Noah’s Ark Sanctuary, Dolphin Project, MSPCA, FAA, BICREF and Marine Connection UK.