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Moviment Graffitti endorses Women’s Rights Foundation position on sexual and reproductive health rights

Moviment Graffitti endorses and supports the Women’s Rights Foundation recently released position paper on sexual and reproductive health rights for women in Malta.

The position paper advocates for all women and girls to have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and explores areas through which good sexual and reproductive health can be achieved.

The paper follows a rights based approach and gives recommendations pertaining to the following areas:

1) A National Action Plan for sexual and reproductive health

2) Comprehensive sexuality education with gender equality and human rights at its core

3) Contraception and family planning

4) Access to safe and legal abortion

The paper outlines seven recommendations concerning the above-mentioned areas, which are explained in detail in the position paper.

Moviment Graffitti endorses this document since sexual and reproductive health rights are central to women’s wellbeing and autonomy, and have so far been lacking in Malta’s health system.


Il-Moviment Graffitti jappoġġja l-pożizzjoni tal-Fondazzjoni għad-Drittijiet tan-Nisa dwar drittjiet fil-qasam tas-saħħa sesswali u riproduttiva

Il-Moviment Graffitti jappoġġja l-pożizzjoni tal-Fondazzjoni għad-Drittijiet tan-Nisa dwar drittijiet fil-qasam tas-saħħa sesswali u riproduttiva għan-nisa f’Malta.

Id-dokument jirrakkomanda li n-nisa u l-bniet kollha jkollhom aċċess għal saħħa sesswali u riproduttiva komprensiva u jesplora oqsma li permezz tagħhom tista’ tinkiseb saħħa sesswali u riproduttiva tajba.

Id-dokument jieħu approċċ ibbażat fuq id-drittijiet u jagħti rakkomandazzjonijiet marbuta ma’ dawn l-oqsma:

1) Pjan ta’ Azzjoni Nazzjonali dwar is-saħħa sesswali u riproduttiva

2) Edukazzjoni komprensiva tas-sesswalità, bl-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi u d-drittijiet tal-bniedem fil-qalba tagħha

3) Antiċipazzjoni u pjanar tal-familja

4) Aċċess għall-abort sikur u legali

Id-dokument jiddeskrivi seba’ rakkomandazzjonijiet dwar l-oqsma msemmija hawn fuq, li huma spjegati fid-dettall fid-dokument.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jaqbel ma’ dan id-dokument għaliex id-drittijiet marbuta mas-saħħa sesswali u riproduttiva huma ċentrali għall-benesseru u l-awtonomija tan-nisa, u s’issa dawn huma nieqsa mis-sistema tas-saħħa f’Malta.

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