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Join Us

Anyone who shares Moviment Graffitti’s vision of a just, equal and democratic society, and wishes to contribute to its achievement, is welcome to join us!

There are two options for those wanting to join the movement:

One of them is becoming a Supporting Member. Supporting members receive constant updates regarding our work, actions and events. They also have a vote in our Annual General Meeting.

The other option is to become a Moviment Graffitti Activist. Activists are involved in the day-to-day running of the organisation, participate in regular internal meetings, and take part in decision-making processes. Everyone can become an activist – it depends exclusively on the commitment of the individual.

Those choosing the “Activist” option from the below drop-down list will be invited to our next internal meeting.


We are aware that payments made by HSBC cards are not working. We apologise for the inconvenience. If possible, use a card by a different bank.

Latest from our blog

WATCH VIDEO HERE: The latest phase of the development of Fort Chambray – which after 30 years of controversial...

For Moviment Graffitti, Pride month is a time to reflect on the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community. The Pride march,...

We — employers, colleagues, friends, members of various communities and organisations across Malta — are uniting in solidarity with five...