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Attorney General Denying Justice

In recent months and years, concerned citizens and advocates for justice have grown increasingly frustrated by the apparent disregard shown by the Attorney General’s office towards letters and statements from the public urging the swift resolution of the El Hiblu case. This ongoing delay in the pursuit of justice not only undermines the principles upon which our legal system is built but also perpetuates a grave injustice for the young individuals involved.

Amara, Kader, and Abdalla arrived in Malta more than four years ago. Acting as mediators and translators on the El Hiblu, they helped to prevent the unlawful pushback of over 100 people to Libya and to diffuse a tense situation at sea. They were only 15, 16, and 19 years old, respectively. Rather than celebrate their bravery, the Maltese authorities charged them with several crimes that could lead to life sentences. This case has garnered international attention. This is a testament to the shared belief that Abdalla, Amara, and Kader have not committed any crimes!

The Attorney General’s office has turned a deaf ear to these pleas for action. Despite numerous letters and petitions from concerned citizens, organizations, and experts in the field, there has been no response. This lack of communication and transparency is deeply troubling and raises serious questions about the commitment of the Attorney General’s office to the principles of justice and due process.

The prolonged delay in addressing the El Hiblu case not only deepens their suffering but also erodes public trust in the justice system. It sends a message that some individuals are exempt from the swift and fair treatment that our legal system should provide to all. Any case, whether it involves Maltese or foreign nationals, needs to be just and fair, rather than utilized as a form of retribution, political signalling and deterrence. This case exposes the intitutionalised racism that plauges our criminal justice system, which is strong with the weak and weak with the strong.

In view of this, Moviment Graffitti calls upon the Attorney General to take the necessary steps to expedite the resolution of the El Hiblu case. Moviment Graffitti believes that justice delayed is indeed justice denied, and it is time to right this wrong. We call again on the Attorney General to end the uncertainty that these three young men face. It is high time to drop the charges. Free the El Hiblu 3!



F’dawn l-aħħar xhur u snin, iċ-ċittadini kkonċernati u l-avukati għall-ġustizzja dejjem qed isiru aktar frustrati ħabba n-nuqqas ta’ attenzjoni mill-uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali fir-rigward tal-ittri u d-dikjarazzjonijiet mill-pubbliku, li fihom qegħdin iħeġġu r-riżoluzzjoni ilha mistennija tal-każ tal-El Hiblu. Dan id-dewmien kontinwu għat-twettiq tal-ġustizzja mhux biss idgħajjef il-prinċipji li fuqhom hija mibnija s-sistema legali tagħna, iżda wkoll ipperpetwa inġustizzja serja għaż-żgħażagħ involuti.

Amara, Kader, u Abdalla waslu Malta aktar minn erba’ snin ilu. Filwaqt li aġixxew bħala medjaturi u tradutturi fuq l-El Hiblu, għenu sabiex tiġi evitata pushback illegali ta’ aktar minn 100 persuna lejn il-Libja, u għenu wkoll sabiex tikkalma t-tensjoni fuq il-baħar. Huma kellhom biss 15, 16, u 19-il sena rispettivament. Minflok ma ċċelebraw il-qlubija tagħhom, l-awtoritajiet Maltin akkużawhom b’diversi reati li jistgħu jwasslu għal sentenza ta’ għomor. Dan il-każ ġabar attenzjoni internazzjonali. Dan huwa xhieda tat-twemmin komuni li Abdalla, Amara, u Kader ma wettqu l-ebda reat!

L-uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali għalaq widnejn torox għal dawn it-talbiet sabiex issir azzjoni. Minkejja bosta ittri u petizzjonijiet minn ċittadini, organizzazzjonijiet, u esperti f’oqsma kkonċernati, ma kien hemm l-ebda tweġiba. Dan in-nuqqas ta’ komunikazzjoni u trasparenza huwa inkwetanti ħafna u jqajjem mistoqsijiet serji dwar l-impenn tal-uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali lejn il-prinċipji tal-ġustizzja u l-proċess dovut.

Id-dewmien sabex il-każ ta’ El Hiblu jiġi ndirizzat, mhux biss qed iwessa’ t-tbatija tagħhom iżda qiegħed ukoll inaqqas il-fiduċja tal-pubbliku fis-sistema tal-ġustizzja. Din is-sitwazzjoni tagħti l-messaġġ li xi individwi huma eżenti mit-trattament rapidu u ġust li s-sistema legali tagħna għandha tipprovdi lil kulħadd. Fi kwalunkwe każ, kemm jekk jinvolvi ċittadini Maltin jew barranin, jeħtieġ li jkun hemm proċess ġust u xieraq, u mhux s-sitwazzjoni tiġi użata bħala forma ta’ retribuzzjoni, xaqlib politiku u deterrenza. Dan il-każ jesponi r-razziżmu istituzzjonalizzat li ġġorr is-sistema tal-ġustizzja kriminali tagħna, li hija b’saħħitha mad-dgħajjef u dgħajjfha ma’ dawk li għandhom il-poter.

Fid-dawl ta’ dan, il-Moviment Graffitti jappella lill-Avukat Ġenerali sabiex jieħu l-passi meħtieġa biex iħaffef ir-riżoluzzjoni tal-każ tal-El Hiblu. Il-Moviment Graffitti jemmen li l-ġustizzja mdewma hija tabilħaqq ġustizzja miċħuda, u wasal iż-żmien li dan il-ħażin jiġi tranġat. Nappellaw mill-ġdid lill-Avukat Ġenerali biex itemm l-inċertezzi li jiffaċċjaw dawn it-tliet żgħażagħ. Wasal iż-żmien li twaqqa’ l-akkużi. Eħilsu lil El Hiblu 3!

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