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Activists, residents and farmers stopping Infrastructure Malta’s works in Dingli

This morning, Infrastructure Malta appeared in Dingli to attempt to build a road on ODZ fields, for which they have no permit. For the third time, we, farmers and residents are there to stop them. We are calling on everyone to join us whilst keeping social distancing.

Besides the fields, this road leading to nowhere will destroy carob trees over 300 years old and endanger a medieval church.


Attivisti, residenti u bdiewa jwaqqfu x-xogħljiet ta’ Infrastructure Malta f’Ħad-Dingli

Dalgħodu Infrastracture Malta reġgħu tfaċċaw f’Ħad-Dingli sabiex jippruvaw jibnu triq f’ODZ, fuq raba’ maħdum, li għaliha m’għandhomx permess. Għat-tielet darba, aħna, bdiewa u residenti qegħdin hemm biex inwaqqfuhom (location: Qed insejħu biex lill-pubbliku jingħaqad magħna filwaqt li jżomm t-tbegħid soċjali.

Barra r-raba’, din it-triq li ma twassal għal imkien se teqred siġar tal-ħarrub li għandhom ‘il fuq minn 300 sena u tipperikola knisja medjevali.

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