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Victory! ODZ development application in L-Għadir withdrawn

We have just been informed that the application for a private old people’s home on ODZ in L-Għadir, Żurrieq, was withdrawn.

This victory was only made possible thanks to the strong campaign carried out by residents – Save L-Għadir ODZ – together with the opposition of the Local Councils of these three localities and the support of environmental organisations.

This continues to show that, united, we win against the greed of the few.


Rebħa! Irtirata l-applikazzjoni għal żvilupp ODZ fl-Għadir

Għadna kemm ġejna infurmati li l-applikazzjoni għal dar tal-anzjani privata f’ODZ fiż-żona ta’ L-Għadir, iż-Żurrieq, ġiet irtirata.

Din ir-rebħa kienet biss possibbli grazzi għall-kampanja b’saħħitha mir-residenti – Save L-Għadir ODZ – flimkien mal-oppożizzjoni mill-Kunsilli Lokali tat-tliet lokalitajiet u l-appoġġ tal-għaqdiet ambjentali.

Dan ikompli juri li, magħqudin, nistgħu nirbħu kontra r-regħba tal-ftit.

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