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Crowdfunding Initiative To Appeal Against Further Development in Dwejra

Dwejra is a Natura2000 site, a Dark Sky Heritage Area, and a designated Special Protection Area under the Wild Birds Directive.

The Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT) recently overturned the Planning Authority’s refusal for further development at this site. 

However, together we can try and make a difference!

15 organisations are supporting an initiative to collect funds to appeal this decision in court. The aim of this initiative is to raise 2,000 Eur. All who wish to contribute to this cause may do so via direct bank transfer to:

– BANK €: BOV (Bank of Valletta)

– Account Name: Birdlife Malta

– IBAN: MT43VALL22013000000040010951507


– A/c no: 40010951507

IMPORTANT: In the relevant description field for the transfer, kindly use: “Dwejra”.

The list of entities supporting this initiative includes:

  1. BirdLife Malta 
  2. Bicycle Advocacy Group
  3. Din l-Art Helwa 
  4. FAA Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar
  5. Friends of the Earth Malta
  6. The IotL Magazine
  7. Light Pollution Awareness Group
  8. Moviment Graffitti
  9. Nature Trust – FEE Malta 
  10. Ramblers Malta
  11. Archaeological Society Malta 
  12. The Astronomical Society of Malta
  13. Institute of Space Sciences and Astronomy – ISSA – University of Malta 
  14. Wirt Għawdex
  15. Żminijietna – Leħen ix-Xellug

We thank you for the support!

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